Contact us
Let us know how we can help!
Please reach out for any matter you would like to exchange on with our team via the form below.
Ask about our in vitro electrophysiology services
One of our expert scientists will gladly get in touch with you to discuss your preclinical needs and see how our services could help you achieve your drug discovery goal.
Learn more on our way of working
Want to learn more on how we work as an integrated research laboratory for our client? Let us know and we’ll be happy to elaborate on our collaborative solutions with you.
Explore opportunities at Neuroservices-Alliance
Check out our job offers or submit a spontaneous application.
N.b. Please disregard contacts you may have regarding a position you didn’t apply to: we would never contact directly someone who didn’t apply for an open position.
Neuroservice is a Neuroservices-Alliance company: our Neuroservices-Alliance corporate team will be in touch with you shortly!
Do you wish to learn more about other types of assays provided at Neuroservices-Alliance?
Neuroservices-Alliance platforms provide in vitro and in vivo electrophysiology recording and analysis services. Our areas of work include cell-based assays (iPSC and primary neurons), brain/spinal cord slice work (including human tissue) and in vivo/EEG/behavioral assays.
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