Our partners


Logo React EU Feder

FEDER stands for “Fond Européen de Développement Régional” (European Fund for Regional Development).
Neuroservice officially granted in January 2022 a 820,000€ funding to finance our program “NEUROHDMEA”. Thanks to the financial help from FEDER, Neuroservice will be able to acquire new High Density Multi electrode Array, thus reaching an unprecedented technical advantage (resolution and sharpness) for recording signals from neurons and neuronal networks.

More information on our dedicated page
Logo React EU Feder


Logo Maxwell Biosystems

MaxWell Biosystems is a Swiss technology provider, leader in high-content electrophysiology platforms advancing scientific discovery and accelerating drug discovery for neurodegenerative diseases.

We are delighted to count MaxWell Biosystems among our partners. Together, we are fostering electrophysiological research on Human iPSC-derived neurons and other neuronal cultures, from neuronal networks to single neuron resolution.

Thanks to our common work will enable the pharmaceutical industry to access state-of-the-art technology and expertise and assess their compounds’ efficacy on human tissue.

Read the full partnership announcement here

Visit Maxwell Biosystems website
Logo Maxwell Biosystems


Logo of Biocom California

Neuroservice is a proud member of Biocom. Biocom is the largest Life Science association of California.

Through its work, Biocom help its member connect with the life science community and engages in driving public policy and build a fast-growing environment of leaders in the life science industry.

As a Biocom member, we benefit from strong connections with the Californian and American lief science industry.

Visit Biocom website
Logo of Biocom California


Neuroservice is a scientist.com registered supplier

Neuroservice and Neuroservice US are registered suppliers of Scientist.com, thus facilitating connection with hundreds of biotechs and pharmaceutical companies worlwide.

Visit our scientist.com profile
Neuroservice is a scientist.com registered supplier


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Neuroservice & Neuroservice USA are registered suppliers of the Science Exchange platform, the world’s leading R&D services marketplace. You can connect with us by sending us a contact request or directly reaching out on the platform.

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